Monday 22nd of June
8:58 - The train is leaving at Montpellier heading for the terminal of the charle de Gaulle airport in Paris . all of four - Alex, Fabian, Hosam and me - are sit. it is the first step of our journey. we are all excited but also worried: we can not miss our Qatar flight. however, we have three hours gap before our taking off . we had preferred not to take any risk with the SNCF, the French own-stated railway company. by the beginning, we would have liked to book our train step with Qatar and their air train service. nevertheless, their website is not as performing as their on board flight service. it was impossible to get such as offer without paying extra charge by using their call center.
Anyway, though the train was 15 minutes behind schedule, we arrived on time for the registration of our backpacks and the boarding.
we took off by A380. We were sit in the bottom on the ground flour in the middle of the aisle. the Qatar service was good. however, We met some trouble with our video display. we understood it was impossible to watch a video ( movie, series...) all of four. the videos were lagging.
we got two meals.